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Instituto Universitario Ortega-Marañón

Instituto Universitario Ortega-Marañón

Instituto Universitario Ortega-Marañón


More than thirty years of experience support the academic excellence that has allowed us to build a teaching model whose main objective is to promote innovation. The Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (IUIOG) is an internationally recognized academic institution, attached to the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), through which more than 30,000 students who have completed their PhD, Master's degrees have already passed Official university students, in collaboration with other leading universities, and Master's and Postgraduate degrees with their own degrees in areas of knowledge included in Social Sciences and Humanities.

Our university campus, open, plural and independent, fosters the generation of Talent, the main resource coveted by companies. The teaching model is characterized by the participation of academics from the best international universities. It also promotes a rigorous scientific methodology and innovative techniques adapted to the needs of a world in constant change. This formula allows the student to develop leadership skills together with critical thinking about the problems that exist in our society, and take advantage of the synergies between the academic and professional world; in addition to creating new experiences and expanding the student's curriculum, thanks to an extensive offer of internships in companies and active inclusion in different scientific networks.


Get to know our PhD programs, official University Master's degrees and Master's degrees with their own degree, all of them adapted and aimed at increasing your knowledge, and improving your personal and professional profile.


It connects with a plural and independent knowledge space, through the different research projects developed by the IUIOG, in the hands of prestigious academics and experts in Social Sciences.


Discover our academic and cultural agenda, and contribute to dialogue and debate from a critical perspective that allows us to get closer to understanding our social reality.

Our campus

The Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset has its campus located in a privileged environment, right in the center of Madrid, at the confluence with Fortuny and General Martínez Campos streets.

Founded in 1986, the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (IUIOG) is a postgraduate and research center equivalent in essence to the graduate schools of North American universities. It was the first university institute promoted and managed in Spain by a private entity, the José Ortega y Gasset Foundation, and attached to a public university, the Complutense University of Madrid. Its patronage is integrated by the José Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañón Foundation, the Autonomous Community of Madrid, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as a select group of academics elected by consensus.


Develop and enhance the talent of students in a space that generates synergies between the academic, professional worlds, scientific networks and the business world, with the aim of educating aware and sensitive students of the existing problems in the social environment.


Contribute to the formation of academic excellence, with a marked multidisciplinary and transversal character, in order to respond to the demands of an increasingly global and competitive world, through a teaching model that emphasizes personalized attention to the student, coexistence in the classroom, critical thinking and the use of new technologies.


  • Responsibility and social sensitivity
  • Scientific rigor
  • Academic innovation
  • Plurality and diversity of ideas and opinions
  • Commitment to inclusion and social equality


The IUIOG also surprises with the high degree of internationalization in its professors and students: more than 60 percent of the students come from America and other regions, and the faculty comes from more than 30 prestigious universities such as Oxford, California, London, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Hamburg, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), among others, in addition to those of greater renown in Spain.

Formative offer

The IUIOG offers a wide and varied range of courses (face-to-face, blended and online): doctoral programs, university master's degrees -with the Universities of Menéndez Pelayo, Complutense de Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Rey Juan Carlos and CEU San Pablo-, Master's degrees own, expert and specialist courses, executive programs, seminars, workshops and continuing education courses. The research is another core of the IUIOG, along with the creation of specialized centers on areas of study that support its academic activity, such as the case of Goberna, School of Politics and High Government, created for the training of leaders in a globalized world.

Collaborating institutions

The IUIOG is an international academic center that has signed agreements and agreements with more than a hundred institutions around the world, with the aim of developing courses, research projects, diverse activities or scholarship programs. Thanks to the support of these institutions, we can keep alive our mission of spreading applied knowledge and culture in an increasingly technological world.


Campus of Excellence

The IUIOG's campus of excellence enhances the student's talent and allows the development, through specialized centers such as Goberna, of leadership skills along with training that is more oriented towards professional development in contact with scientific and business networks.

Teaching Model

The IUIOG offers excellent training, with a marked multidisciplinary and transversal character, with the aim of responding to the demands of a professional and academic world that is increasingly global and competitive. Its teaching model emphasizes the personalized attention to the student, the coexistence in the classroom, the use of new technologies, a plural environment open to ideas and the integration of students in international reference networks. Some signs of identity to which are added its long academic and research tradition and a firm commitment to new methods of online education.

Virtual campus

The Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset has more than five years of experience in teaching its programs online. To do this, it has developed a modern Virtual Campus with Moodle support (the system used by most universities) that is easy to use and allows you to take the classroom to your home computer or your own cell phone. The Virtual Campus is an online teaching and interaction platform that offers teaching staff and training participants the possibility of establishing fluid and continuous communication throughout the training process. It also provides educational support for face-to-face formal training and a basic tool for the development of virtual sessions. We have all the necessary tools for you to make the most of your study program.

At IUIOG we have wanted to go further, that the training experience is not limited to the stay in the classroom (both face-to-face and virtual). We want our students to be part of a network of thousands of people in which, in addition to former students of the different training programs, people with an interest in the cultural and academic activity of the Ortega-Marañón Foundation are connected. That is why the Virtual Campus is integrated into what has been called the Ortega-Marañón Virtual Community, a much larger network space with specific services for its users. We invite you to visit our Community.

FOM community

A virtual space where teachers and students have their meeting point. The best agenda of cultural activities organized by the Ortega Marañón Foundation and all the brands and institutions that it hosts: IUIOG, Marañón Institute, Goberna and International Programs.

The most up-to-date information on the training offer, and the gateway to the virtual campus, where students will access the academic content, forums, activities and all the necessary tools for the development of virtual sessions.

Students must access the virtual Campus through the FOM Community page. The academic coordination of the program will provide them with a username and password so that they can have access. To familiarize yourself with the operation of this platform, basic instructions for use will be provided.

Scholarships and Funding

¿Quiénes son los destinatarios?

Students of the Ortega-Marañón University Institute enrolled in its official Master's Degrees may apply for a scholarship from the Excellence Program of the Ortega-Marañón Foundation. These scholarships will cover 30% of the tuition fee, excluding the fees paid to the Master's reference University.

¿Qué necesito presentar y dónde?

Those interested must submit an application form to the Institute's secretariat when formalizing registration along with the payment of the place reservation and send it to the Institute's secretariat no later than September 15, 2020. It must state:

  • Datos personales
  • El Máster en el que está matriculado
  • La documentación que aporta
  • Las becas que haya solicitado o tenga intención de solicitar en cualquier convocatoria pública o privada

Los criterios para la concesión de las becas son: 1) expediente académico (70%), 2) situación personal o familiar (10%), 3) residencia fuera de Madrid en el año anterior a su matriculación (10%), 4) carta de motivación personal (10%). Los alumnos deberán entregar la documentación que acredite cada una de estas circunstancias y podrán adjuntar dos cartas de recomendación de profesores. El Instituto podrá solicitar a los candidatos seleccionados que acrediten la autenticidad de los documentos que hayan presentado con originales o copias compulsadas.

¿Cómo discurre el proceso de selección? ¿Es compatible con otras becas o ayudas?

La Comisión Académica que concede las becas estará integrada por el director del Instituto, la directora general de la Fundación José Ortega y Gasset – Gregorio Marañón, dos personas de la secretaría académica y dos profesores del Instituto nombrados a propuesta del director del Instituto y de la directora general. Esta Comisión, según los informes recibidos, realizará la evaluación y selección de candidatos y elevará a la dirección antes del 1 de diciembre, una propuesta de concesión de becas para su comunicación formal a los candidatos seleccionados.

The Excellence Scholarship Program of the Ortega-Marañón Foundation is study aid that is incompatible with any other scholarship from public or private calls for the same postgraduate studies. The scholarship recipient is obliged to notify the Institute of any other scholarship that is granted, within a period of 10 days from its granting.

¿Cómo se aplica y cuándo?

La beca implica la reducción de la matrícula por un importe que se fijará cada curso académico en función del número de estudiantes matriculados. Esta reducción del importe se aplicará al último plazo del pago de la matrícula.

¿Qué se me puede pedir en caso de recibir la beca?

El Instituto podrá solicitar a los becados que realicen actividades de apoyo a la docencia, investigación y la cultura de la institución, las cuales les serán acreditadas. Estas actividades de colaboración no implicarán relación laboral ni mercantil con la institución ni serán remuneradas.


The master's degrees of the Ortega-Marañón University Research Institute are once again among the best in Spain, according to the “El Mundo” ranking.

The prestigious ranking of the 250 best master's degrees in Spain by the newspaper “El Mundo” recognizes, once again, the Master's Degree in Government and Public Administration and the Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Public Policy Management in the Top 5, in their category. .

The IUIOM Masters featured in the top 5 in Spain in their specialty are

Official University Master in Government and Public Administration, has managed to be classified among the best in its specialty for the eighth consecutive year. In the Master Ranking 250, they highlight that the Master "pursues the training of specialists in the functioning of political and administrative institutions with the relevance to have a double focus: researcher and professional.”

Official University Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Public Policy Management, this year stands out in its specialty for "offering a powerful training module that differentiates it from the rest, aimed at the management of public development policies."

Both master's degrees are taught by the Ortega-Marañón University Research Institute (IUIOM), an official qualification awarded by the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP).

Campus Life & Facilities

The Ortega-Marañón University Research Institute (IUIOM) teaches online programs through a modern Virtual Campus with easy-to-use Moodle support (the system used by most universities) that allows you to take the classroom to your home computer or your own cell phone. The Virtual Campus is an online teaching and interaction platform that offers teaching staff and training participants the possibility of establishing fluid and continuous communication throughout the training process. It also provides educational support for formal in-person training and a basic tool for the development of virtual sessions. We have all the necessary tools so that you can take 100% advantage of your study program.

At the IUIOM we have wanted to go further, so that the training experience is not limited to the stay in the classroom (both in-person and virtual). We want our students to be part of a network of thousands of people in which, in addition to former students of the different training programs, people with an interest in the cultural and academic activity of the Ortega-Marañón Foundation are connected.

Student Services

Seguimiento personalizado

We have a team of professionals - tutor teachers - who monitor the participants' performance daily, verifying their degree of participation in the training activities and the results they obtain in the module evaluations. They regularly update the virtual campus with news of interest to students, and send reminders of the tasks that they must carry out, according to the academic calendar. The monitoring carried out by the tutors is key to guiding the participants in time management and keeping them motivated during the development of the program.

Monitoring is carried out taking into account the profile and needs of each student. The virtual campus tools are used to obtain information about the participants' access to the program content, and their involvement in the discussion or debate activities. Additionally, personalized contacts are made by email and by telephone calls to find out the causes of low student participation, if this occurs. During face-to-face sessions, students can hold meetings with tutors to establish the most appropriate communication channels throughout the program.

Students have a series of tools that allow them to make daily queries about the content of the modules and transmit, to those responsible for the program, any incident that may arise in its development. The tutors keep a record of the queries made by the participants and are committed to providing a response within a period of no more than 72 hours.

The tutorials are carried out by activating virtual forums or arranging telephone calls between the participants and the module coordinators. In any case, it is up to the program management to define the most appropriate modality, depending on the needs of the modules and the number of participants enrolled in the program.

Consultations with teachers must be made through the virtual campus, avoiding the use of email. Inquiries can be directed through the forums or direct messages.


The use of streaming in courses taught online fosters closer contact between faculty and students, and encourages participation. The course teaching guides specify the dates and times of the sessions that will be held via streaming . For those participants who cannot connect at the moment, the sessions will be recorded so that they can view them whenever they wish.

In the final part of the streaming , students will have the possibility to ask the teachers of each module live, in order to clarify or expand on those aspects that they consider appropriate.


  • Madrid

    Calle Colegiata, 9 , 28012, Madrid

