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Wildau Institute of Technology

Who are we? The Wildau Institute of Technology (WIT) is a 2004 newly built Institute at the Technische Hochschule Wildau [FH], one of the largest colleges of Brandenburg with about 4000 students. The range of courses offered ranges from classic engineering courses on business management and business computer science to administrative law. The TH Wildau [FH] is known for innovative and practical work with the private sector and for the economy. She takes in the application-oriented research in Germany a top position among all colleges. What is our goal? The Wildau Institute of Technology (WIT) is the academic training of engineers, economists and social scientists in leadership positions. Target group of our offers are managers and junior staff, the management positions in international corporations or seek growth-oriented medium-sized businesses or pursue their own business creation projects How we are organized? The WIT operates legally independent as a registered association, but in close cooperation with the Technical University of Wildau [FH] Members are institutions and professors of the TH Wildau [FH]. The Board is assisted in its work supported by a scientific advisory board, the leaders from business, science and politics belong (Chairman: Prof. Dr. L. Ungvári, President of the TH Wildau [FH]. Furthermore, advisory boards for the individual study programs are formed. How do we want to work? "WIT will take you further" - this is our motto. For the professional success of our students, we place great value on current curriculum, top quality of our faculty and close cooperation with leading companies in the field. The use of modern learning techniques is a matter of course: the case study work, simulations and e-learning modules as well as excursions and tours round off the classic courses.

  • Wildau

    Wildau Institute of Technology Technical University of Applied Science Hochschulring 1 , 15745, Wildau

    Wildau Institute of Technology