Executive MBA Katalyst
Warsaw, Poland
2 Years
Part time
Request application deadline
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PLN 59,160 / per year *
* - for Polish citizens and permanent residence card/Polish Card holders; 14 025 EUR - for other candidates; Promotion valid by April 7
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
Leading into the Future through new technologies
Prestigious, international part-time study programme in English
Executive MBA Programme offered by Warsaw University
of Technology, the best technical university in Poland, is characterised by real-life approach combined with outstanding academic
standards and deep understanding of technologies of tomorrow. The EMBA programme design was developed in order to meet the expectations of high- and middle-level managers. Our programme opens new horizons and allows to understand the latest t
rends and challenges of the
fast-changing business world.
Our MBA programme was ranke
d 1st in the “Alumni Opinion” and “Quality of program's content” categories in the Perspektywy M
BA ranking of 2017.
What makes our programme unique
Benefit from best international practices
- 25 years of delivering MBA programmes in cooperation with Founding Partners: HEC Paris, London Business School, Norwegian School of Economics, Warsaw University of Technology
- Close partnership with University of Salford (Manchester, UK), Baltic Management Institute (Vilnius, Lithuania), GOA Institute of Management (Goa, India)
- Renowned business practitioners and lecturers from reputable universities worldwide
- International study and business trips: “Super Weekend” at Salford Business School, optional international business trips, possible destinies include: UK, India, China and Columbia
- A broad selection of specialised courses offered by partner business schools
- 100% of classes conducted in English
- Prestigious EPAS accreditation
Learn about business transforming technologies
- Comprehensive preparation for challenges of digital transformation in businesses
- New module: „Business Model Transformation with New Technologies”
- Project-based learning in areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and consulting
- 100 hours entirely dedicated to the concept of new technologies
Accelerate your career and your personal development
- 2-year individualised Personal Development Programme
- Personalised study path
- The biggest MBA Alumni network in Poland
- Value and prestige of diploma in Poland and internationally
- Fast return of investment – according to our alumni 70% of EMBA students get promoted while they are still in the programme
- Mode of studies: Two-year, part-time
- Language of Instruction: English
- Number of Instruction Hours: c.a. 550 hours + 150 project hours; course divided into blocks of subjects

Class hours:
- Friday: 6.00 p.m. – 9.15 p.m.
- Saturday 8:15 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. ( including one-hour lunch break )
- Sunday: 8:15 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Programme blocks:
Executives Economics, Accounting for Executives, Marketing, Operations Management, Financial Instruments, Business Ethics, Interpretation and Analysis of Financial Statements, Strategy and International Management, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources Management and Talent Development, Innovations in Digital World, Entrepreneurial Management, Business Model Transformation with New Technologies, Legal Aspects of Business Activity
Students are required to complete at least 6 of Elective Courses (choice of subjects in Manchester, Warsaw and Vilnius)
Learning sessions take place 1-2 times per month.
- Location: WUT BS building, Koszykowa 79, Warszawa.
- Course start: EMBA programme starts in October. The second semester commences in mid-February. The course runs to the end of July of the next academic year.
- Didactic methods: Modern interactive methods of education are used in our School, case studies, discussion classes, computer simulations, management laboratory, management workshop, business projects or virtual discussion groups. Students are actively engaged in learning. In every programme block, lectures are given by professors from partner institutions. An important element of the Executive MBA programme is the final project and its implementation in partner/client companies. It allows students to use the knowledge in practice.
Fees for Executive MBA programme 2019-2021
Pay now and get Your Early Bird -15% discount!
Promotion is valid by April 7:
- 59 160 PLN-for Polish citizens and permanent residence card/Polish Cardholders
- 14 025 EURO- for other candidates
After the given deadline,
- 69 600 PLN – for Polish citizens and permanent residence card/Polish Cardholders
- 16 500 EUR – for other candidates
The course fee is to be paid in eight instalments.
Admission process fee: PLN 590 (EU citizens) or EUR 200 (non-EU-citizens), non-refundable
Why the "Katalyst" EMBA?
- A new standard of quality in executive education
- An enhanced global perspective, linking general managerial knowledge with unique experience
- Taking place in parallel in Warsaw and in different partner schools.
- Super Weekend EMBA Katalyst
- Using a common pool of outstanding international professors from partner schools
- Some classes and workshops will be attended together by students from partner campuses
- Opportunities for combining students from partner campuses: with common classes, and common group work
- Exchangeability of credits/courses between programs, for specific courses
- A broad selection of elective classes in Warsaw and in partner schools is available.
Partner Business Schools :
University of Salford Manchester | Baltic Management Institute
The Katalyst EMBA is the result of a strategic alliance initiated by:
- WUT Business School – one of the most renowned Polish business schools (created in cooperation between WUT and three leading European schools: LBS, HEC, NHH), and Central European University Business School (founded by George Soros, chartered by New York State, and operating in Budapest, Hungary for over 25 years).
Program Admission Requirements
Demonstrate your commitment and readiness to succeed in business school by taking the GMAT exam – the most widely used exam for admissions that measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills.
Download the GMAT mini quiz to get a flavour of the questions you’ll find in the exam.