MBA in Agribusiness
2 Years
Part time
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Distance Learning, On-Campus
The MBA in Agribusiness is a part-time executive master's degree for professionals who combine their time between work and study.
It is ranked 2nd in the world ranking and 1st in America according to the Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking, an achievement it has maintained uninterruptedly since 2019.
Recipient Profile
- Professions: Agribusiness Engineers (46%), Administration Graduates (26%), Accountants (10%), Veterinarians (9%), Others (9%)
- Links in the value chain and institutions: Production (33%), Inputs (22%), Marketing (17%), Consulting (12%), Industry (10%), Government (4%), Banks (2%)
- Place of origin: Central Region (SF, CBA and ER) (38%), Foreigners (37%), Buenos Aires (18%), NOA (7%)
2 years
This master's degree is taught every 3 weeks:
- Thursdays from 2 to 6 p.m.
- Friday from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- Saturday from 9am to 1pm
Universidad Austral has classrooms called HyFlex , to combine in-person and virtual training. This allows each student to choose to take up to a maximum number of hours remotely, through teaching on the Zoom platform.
This modality offers students virtual and in-person learning experiences in a flexible manner, adjusting them to professional and personal needs, but without losing the interaction with the group that characterizes an in-person program.
April 2025
Reasons to choose us
Case method: Through more than 140 real cases of national and international companies from across the agro-industrial complex, participants develop decision-making skills.
International perspective: In order to acquire a global vision of agribusiness management, MBA students in Agribusiness participate in an international academic residency abroad.
Innovation: The contents of the program are constantly updated because the MBA in Agribusiness faculty actively participates in the construction of the region's scientific and technological innovation ecosystem, leading projects related to the bioeconomy and technology applied to agriculture.
Expertise of the academic faculty: We have a body of professors with extensive experience in the entire agribusiness value chain, who combine their time between teaching, research and professional work.
Networking: Upon graduation from the MBA, you will become part of the community of alumni of the Universidad Austral and will have access to the national and international links maintained by the Agribusiness and Food Center of this university.
Comprehensive vision: The program is designed so that participants acquire a systemic and integrated mental model of the business.
Core Management
- Management accounting
- Economics for decision making
- Financial Management
- Development of people, teams and organizations
- Operations and supply chain management
- Strategic marketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Business ethics
Major Agribusiness
- Value chains and agro-industrial business models
- Trading decisions in commodities and futures and options markets
- Strategy of agri-food companies and international business
- Innovation, sustainability and bioeconomy
- Strategic management of context
- Management control of agri-food companies
- Final work seminar
- AgTech and innovative business models
- Family businesses
- Formulation and evaluation of agri-food projects
- Major trends in international agricultural commodity markets
- Argumentation workshop
- Academic residency
- Executive Agribusiness Simulator