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TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education


Since 2005, the Academy for Continuing Education (ACE) has been the central contact for postgraduate education at TU Wien. In a world that is increasingly shaped by technology, we support our participants (TU graduates as well as specialists & managers) in achieving their individual goals and shaping our future. Through the knowledge of our renowned lecturers, we bridge the gap between research and business and combine scientific know-how with practical applicability. In this way, we refine your individual skills and sustainably increase your professional and private perspectives. Our team is looking forward to meeting you and supporting you with exciting, new insights and our long-standing experience in postgraduate education.

Since 2005, the Academy for Continuing Education (ACE, formerly Continuing Education Center) has been the central contact for postgraduate education at TU Wien. In a world that is increasingly shaped by technology, we support our participants (TU graduates as well as specialists & managers) in achieving their individual goals and shaping our future. Through the knowledge of our renowned lecturers, we bridge the gap between research and business and combine scientific know-how with practical applicability. In this way, we refine your individual skills and sustainably increase your professional and private perspectives.

Our team is looking forward to meeting you and supporting you with exciting, new insights and our long-standing experience in postgraduate education.

Quality Assurance in Postgraduate Education

Integrated into the quality management system of the TU Wien, the Academy for Continuing Education has furthermore implemented an own quality assurance system for its university courses. This takes account of the special features of postgraduate education and ensures that the quality objectives in teaching and service are met.

Recognized quality seals complete the high quality of the postgraduate courses at the TU Wien and make the awareness of quality assurance outwardly visible. Objective external certifications or accreditations enable international comparison with other programs and are essential orientation and decision criteria for potential candidates when choosing high-quality continuing education courses.

Currently, selected programs of the Academy for Continuing Education are accredited by following institutions:

  • FIBAA ("Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation")
  • ASIIN ("Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e.V.)
  • RICS ("Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors") and
  • CEPI ("European Council of Real Estate Professions")
  • QUESTE-SI ("Quality System of Science and Technology Universities for Sustainable Industry")

Read more on the institution's website

  • Vienna

    TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education Operngasse 11/017, 1040 , Vienna

TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education