Rennes School of Business: Unframed Thinking
Thinking beyond the frame means opening one’s mind toward other cultures. More than just introducing our students to the world, we bring it to them. We turn education into a true exchange. Thinking beyond the frame means learning differently, to striving differently. Exploring new fields, looking for answers to tomorrow’s questions, designing a future that is a future that’s more inventive, more creative, and in the end, more human. Now more than ever, the world belongs to the open-minded.
An International School of Management in Europe
Rennes School of Business is considered to be the most international School of Management in Europe. With 95% of faculty members being non-French, 55% foreign students*, classes in English and a network of more than 350 partner universities worldwide, Rennes School of Business gives the students a unique opportunity to learn in a continuous international environment from the first year to graduation.
*This figure represents the ratio of international students on the Rennes campus to the population present and is one element of the effective multicultural experience.
Campus Life
The Rennes School of Business community is centred around our 5,000 students and the School, particularly its Student Care team, is 100% dedicated to student life and well-being on campus.
During their studies at Rennes SB, students do not just benefit from an exceptional learning environment, but become part of a unique student experience, driven by the values of the School: Audacity, Openness, Creativity, Humility and Freedom!
In 2020, Rennes School of Business was featured in second place in the Speak & Act ranking of business schools that offer the best student experience. Such recognition truly reflects the school’s commitment to the well-being of our students!
Our strategy: Rennes School of Business #UnframedThinking
The new 2019-2023 strategic plan was presented in December 2018, including a first presentation of the new Rennes School of Business brand platform and its signature #UnframedThinking and the inauguration of our new extended in the heart of Rennes Metropolitan Area, the capital of Brittany region.
Vision (2021)
Centred on its targeted research, Rennes School of Business aims to reveal managerial talents in a multiverse world and become one of the most innovative, responsible and resilient Business Schools in Europe.
Through its “Unframed Thinking” positioning, its market-driven, differentiated educational programmes, and its emphasis on pedagogical innovation, Rennes School of Business seek to prepare its students and participants to become innovative and responsible managers in a global environment. These managers are trained to become responsible pioneers, shaped and sharpened by multicultural contexts, through a lifelong and multicultural human experience.
Through its “Unframed Thinking” positioning and its human capital, Rennes School of Business seeks to add value to external stakeholders by undertaking and disseminating research in key areas of excellence relevant to corporate organisations and managers, and by responding to the needs and building partnerships with corporate organisations in its community.
- Freedom. Forging unframed thinkers refusing to remain confined by traditional conventions and leaving the current models behind;
- Creativity. Reinstating the value of the “idea” is at the very heart of our activity: knowing how to leave the beaten path to create new models;
- Boldness. Inventing the world of tomorrow by empowering ourselves to go where no one has gone before;
- Humility. This is the essential counterpart of boldness: Go where no one has gone before, but never think you have actually arrived, or take yourself for something you are not. Humility also means allowing oneself the right to be wrong and learning from failure to better bounce back; and
- Openness. Inspiration is always there, before our very eyes, so it is essential to immerse oneself in the world around us, to see it with our eyes wide open, and to be able to learn and understand in a better way.
Achieving 3 major objectives
Developing its academic recognition at the international level in 4 areas of excellence allows the increase in the size of its faculty.
Significant growth in the contribution to the School’s budget of corporate expertise. This objective thus materialises the societal impact of Rennes School of Business.
Attracting talents from around the world and expanding the number of foreign students.
3 new territories to explore
New Professional Territories in Organisations and Skills
The aim is to understand the new managerial challenges through our academic research and their dissemination in the form of new teaching and expertise delivered to the “real world”.
Rennes SB has thus identified 4 areas of excellence:
- AI-Driven Business (Intelligence, Data-Driven Global Business
- Green, Data & Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management (G3D)
- Agribusiness (Agribusiness, Sustainable Development and CSR)
- Mïnd (meaning, institutions, collective intelligence, information diffusion, networks, decision-making)
Exploring new frontiers of globalisation in a transversal way with regard to geopolitical and economic stakes, the challenges posed by cyberspace and its evolution as well as the new strategic behaviours of multinational firms, the first Chair in geopolitics was opened in September 2019.
The World’s New Territories
Rennes School of Business was founded to be a leading international management school. The 2019-23 strategic plan aims to strengthen this international brand by reinventing and deepening this distinction.
The Global School increases the international reach of the Rennes School of Business by balancing student recruitment from high value-added international partnerships and direct student recruitment from a new admissions platform. It has also opened or boosted new recruitment zones – India, the United States, Latin America, the Caucasus, Asia outside China, the Middle East, Africa and Europe – to diversify the origin of students – and meet the School's ambition to be a multicultural place. The Global School also deploys in-depth international partnerships, notably aiming to locate its partners on the Rennes campus to become a European “hub” for these partners.
The New Educational Territories
Students are the first ambassadors of the School. Rennes School of Business wishes to definitely be a great place to learn with innovative Pedagogical Practices and focus on the student experience. The SENSe department aims at improving student satisfaction and inventing new high value-added services focused on the student experience.
The Career and Talents department is dedicated to the personal development, and career and employment preparation of our students and future graduates.
Rennes School of Business has undertaken a plan to review its programme portfolio.
- A more intensive deployment of our excellence and expertise in the generalist programmes and in the speciality programmes (MSc),
- An overhaul review of the generalist programmes of the “Grande Ecole” to allow for greater internationalisation,
- A greater multicultural experience within the School,
- The expansion of the programmes and offers in Continuing Education and Executive Education.
Join us for an extraordinary human and global educational journey!
Our code of ethics
In line with the mission and vision of the school, a code of ethics has been devised to encourage all members of the Rennes School of Business community to act in accordance with the values for which the school stands.
We, the leaders, academic staff, administrative staff and students of Rennes School of Business, commit ourselves to act according to the following values and to be guided by mutual respect:
- We value integrity and live it by being open-minded, honest and hard-working.
- We respect the diversity of cultural backgrounds and of individual characteristics.
- We value fairness, solidarity and team spirit.
- We practise tolerance and we support equitable treatment.
- We communicate respectfully with each other and with people outside the School.
- We provide an environment in which constructive opinions can be voiced and considered.
- We are transparent in our messages, activities and decisions.
- We take responsibility for our actions, for which we are accountable.
- We strive for excellence in our work, academic endeavour, teaching, research and management.
- We contribute to sustainable development by being innovative and entrepreneurial.
Efforts in-house also include an eco-responsibility charter, designed to raise awareness, offer training when required, and offer practical tips for recycling, energy consumption, and eco-responsible purchasing.