L'Ecole de Guerre Economique
Companies move with a crisis world where the development issue is completely linked to confrontation’s notion. This duality requires companies to research new kind of skills. This is the reason of being of Ecole de Guerre Economique since its creation in 1997.
Learning to think differently
Companies move with a crisis world where the development issue is completely linked to confrontation’s notion. This duality requires companies to research new kind of skills. This is the reason of being of Ecole de Guerre Economique since its creation in 1997.
The teaching at Ecole de Guerre Economique (EGE) articulates with 4 main values :
Optimise the research of information, identify the best experts sources, analyse a complex situation and produce a useful knowledge for decisions makers.
The Ecole of Guerre Economique is the only formation in business intelligence offering a very diversified panel of field exercises that are integrated into the strategy of the client. During the yeard, our students have to deal with concrete cases in a growing logic of difficulties.
The MercurIE professionalization program, which is central to the teaching of our school, is the longest exercise of schooling and is spread over seven months. This operational initiation is the necessary point of departure for our students to position themselves effectively on the job market. MercurIE's client companies are one of their best promoters for recruiters.
The EGE is also a school whose innovation is known in the field of information warfare. The growing cognitive dimension of commercial issues implies an introduction to information and influence operations. With this in mind, the Ecole de Guerre Economique prepares its students for an efficient use of information technologies, learning social networks and the changes of internet.
- Paris
Rue de Grenelle,196, 75007, Paris