Masters in Business Administration in Operations Management
Tbilisi, Georgia
0 up to 2 Years
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Aug 2024
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An operations manager is responsible for the whole cycle of production of goods and services and delivering the product to the customer.
The operations manager has to explore ways to improve the services and business processes. For this purpose, the manager monitors and analyzes business processes daily, sets the quality management and control standards, searches for new technologies, and raises overall efficiency.
The goal of the Master's Programme in Business Administration in Operations Management is to create an environment for middle and high-level managers and analysts/consultants, where they will be able to learn operations management and its components, to deepen theoretical knowledge in the business decision-making process and of business management instruments, acquire better skills for evaluating context, and to address the challenges arisen in practice.
The program is oriented for middle and high-level managers and business-analysts/consultants who have practical experience.
Career Options:
Upon completion, the graduates will work as operations managers and occupy higher positions in management and business-analyst/consultation services. They will be able to run the projects and make investment decisions. Graduates will be able to create and manage their businesses.
Learning Outcomes:
After completion of the Master Program, the graduate will own general and specific competencies listed below:
General Competences:
knowledge of personal qualities of leadership and communication instruments;
knowledge of methods and techniques of mathematic and economic analyses;
ability to identify the problems and set the tasks;
ability to prioritize problems and tasks;
ability to work in teams and lead the team;
ability to plan and conduct communications.
Specific Competences:
possess substantial and systematic knowledge of the fundamental sphere of business – operations management and its components;
ability to monitor, analyze, interpret and forecast the business processes;
possess appropriate techniques and information, to solve complex problems, and to have a creative approach.
Competences developed in the program are following the six criteria for the second level of Higher Education set by the National Qualification Framework:
Knowledge and Understanding:
Graduates of the program will have an in-depth and systematic knowledge of the field, which enables them to generate new ideas, acknowledge the problem solution approaches, in particular:
theoretical and practical knowledge needed for making business decisions;
understanding of financial information, knowledge of methods, rules, and approaches for preparing financial statements according to the international standards;
complete knowledge of cost structure in business;
in-depth knowledge of budgeting processes of the different types of businesses;
knowledge of theoretical and practical methods for making decisions that will lead to an increased value of the company;
knowledge of theoretical and practical methods to evaluate investment projects;
understanding the role of the methods of marketing concepts in the process of business management and knowledge of planning marketing tactics;
in-depth knowledge of tactical and strategic management topics;
understanding of complexity, typology, and nature of business transactions;
fundamental knowledge of principles of human resource management;
knowledge of the service and manufacturing operations, design, planning, control, and improvement techniques
knowledge of the different factors affecting decision-making;
understanding importance of the mathematical models in the decision-making process;
knowledge of the principles in developing new product and related processes;
knowledge of manufacturing and space planning techniques;
understanding the importance of statistical control of quality management and processes;
knowledge of fundamental aspects of ranging;
knowledge of quality management principles;
knowledge of different methods of research.
Applying Knowledge to Practice:
The graduate will act in a new, unforeseen and multidisciplinary environment; search for new and original ways of solving complex problems, including independent research using the latest methods and approaches. In particular, the graduate will be able to:
make the right tactical or strategic decisions based on the cost statements;
create operational and financial budgets;
evaluate investment projects;
make investment decisions;
plan and manage business transactions;
apply theories and concepts of marketing into practice;
make managerial decisions regarding human resources;
run and lead the whole cycle of the project management;
manage the process of design, planning, monitoring, and improvement of the service and manufacturing operations;
apply concepts of modelling into practice;
apply computer simulations and algorithms in the decision-making process;
define and classify measurements of business effectiveness;
manage the process of developing quality systems design and use tools and instruments of the control;
conduct the research.
Ability to Make Conclusion:
The graduate will be able to make grounded conclusions bases on the critical analysis of complex and incomplete information (including recent research); to make innovative synthesis based on the recent data. In particular, the graduate will able to:
create statistic models and solve practical tasks by using those models;
a model business task in Excel;
explain and analyze graphically the dynamic of market processes;
monitor, explain and analyze the market prices and other essential indicators;
conduct mathematical and economic analysis using standard programming tools;
evaluate and make conclusions of presentations and business communications;
analyze different types of cost statement systems;
apply quantitative and qualitative skills to determine various managerial or operational problems;
analyze the results and make appropriate statistical conclusions;
analyze theories of micro and macroeconomics;
identify, evaluate and manage financial risks;
make critical analysis;
conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis of quality management;
analyze the results of made decisions.
Communication Skills
The graduate will communicate their conclusions, arguments, and research methods with the academic and professional staff on Georgian and foreign languages, considering academic ethical norms and modern information and communication technologies. In particular, the graduate will be able to:
work in teams and lead the team;
conduct communication on business transactions;
conduct communication on investment decisions;
manage interpersonal relations;
communicate with the investors;
master presentation and public speaking skills.
Ability to Learn
The graduate will independently conduct the learning process, understand the learning process's characteristics, and make its strategic plan. In particular, will be able to:
update knowledge regularly;
find appropriate sources and resources.
The graduate will be able to evaluate values and contribute to the establishment of new values. In particular, the graduate will:
acknowledge and share free-market ideas;
share private ownership principles;
share principles of liberal democracy;
appreciate differences and cultural diversity;
carry out business activities with professional responsibility;
acknowledge and share principles of business and corporate ethics.