International MBA
São Paulo, Brazil
18 Months
Part time
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BRL 76,175 *
Blended, On-Campus
* in 24 payments in the value of R$ 3.047,00
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FIA’s International MBA has a focus on International Management and Strategy. It is a general management program MBA, but with a particular emphasis on a multicultural experience, and with a strong basis on strategic management. By preparing high-potential students to take on increasing responsibilities in the decision-making process, the courses promote continuous self-development and leadership so that innovative concepts and strategies are implemented efficiently and successfully in your organization.
Ideal Students
Our students are on average 32 years old, with 9 years of professional experience, and are striving to develop their management knowledge and skills to enhance international career prospects. A minimum of 5 years of relevant professional experience is required.
According to the report of the U.S. Executive MBA Council in 2019, 56% of international MBA students received a promotion, an average of 15% more than all programs reviewed.
In another assessment, verify that after 12 months of completing the course, 68% of students have changed jobs. The other programs have an average of 52%.
Omniclass - Hybrid Classes
For the safety of all, students can choose to take the course in person (when authorized by health agencies, following safety protocols) or remotely (class transmitted live, maintaining the same level of interaction between participants).
Program Study
The program is integrated by students from Brazil and overseas, with all teaching in English. The target is to compose a class formed by a mix of students from Europe, Asia, and the Americas from a wide variety of industries and backgrounds, enabling a valuable exchange of experiences.
For 18 months, students will complete the 500 hours required to accomplish the course. The regular classes are held on Fridays (02:00 pm to 08:00 pm) and Saturdays (08:30 am to 05:30 pm), every two weeks.
The student is the center of the learning process on our pedagogic proposal. Through active learning methods, class sessions integrate concepts, theory, and practical aspects, based on a strategic view of Brazil and abroad. The student-centered learning environment allows a perfect combination between students' needs and knowledge building process. Also, our participation in the Harvard Latin American Case Consortium ensures the use of relevant and current cases, articles, simulators, and online courses for international management available on the Harvard Business Education platform.
International Immersion to Silicon Valley
Study trips expand networking and experience exchange opportunities with senior executives.
The International MBA students have a one-week international immersion, with Innovation and creativity classes at UC Berkeley and Stanford University (two of the best universities in the USA, located in California) and company visits to Silicon Valley (San José, California).
Dual Degree
Profuturo FIA International MBA offers selected students the singular opportunity to take the double certification with Porto Business School.
The Program Overview
A year and a half dual degree international program. Participants get two MBA Diplomas awarded by Porto Business School and FIA.
Value Proposition
Delivered by 2 leading business schools – Porto Business School (U.Porto) and Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA). State-of-the-art content with a global perspective.
Target Public
Graduate students with the ambition to accelerate their career in management as a leader in an existing organization or starting and growing a new business, with a minimum of three years of work experience.
Exchange Program
Profuturo FIA International MBA also offers selected students the opportunity to take three or four months of studies with partner business schools in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, free of charge, on a student exchange basis.
FIA offers the students of the International MBA the exchange program with the following universities:
- E.M.Lyon – Lyon / France
- SDA Bocconi – Milan / Italy
- PBS – Porto / Portugal
- IPADE – Mexico City or Monterrey / Mexico
- Owen/Vanderbilt – Nashville / USA
- Tongji – Shangai / China
- Woxsen University – Hyderabad / Índia
- Universidad de Palermo – Buenos Aires / Argentina