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FIA Business School - Profuturo


FIA (Fundação Instituto de Administração), founded in 1980 by professors from the Department of Administration at USP (University of Sao Paulo), brings together a select group of coordinators who work in institutional programs and develop research, consulting and education projects in all areas of Administration. A reference among business schools, FIA has a highly qualified faculty, developing research, consulting and education projects in all areas of business administration.

FIA (Fundação Instituto de Administração), founded in 1980 by professors from the Department of Administration at USP (University of Sao Paulo), brings together a select group of coordinators who work in institutional programs and develop research, consulting and education projects in all areas of Administration. A reference among business schools, FIA has a highly qualified faculty, developing research, consulting and education projects in all areas of business administration. Since 1993, when it launched its first MBA, FIA has trained more than 100,000 students, who today occupy prominent positions in important companies. For over 40 years, FIA has been recognized as one of the best business schools in executive education and consulting, with customized solutions for private and public sector organizations in Brazil and in several other countries. It is a national and international reference since it teaches how to transform knowledge into results that change business and in society.

FIA has facilities located in dynamic and cultural neighborhoods in São Paulo.

Our classes take place at the Nações Unidas campus, located near the Pinheiros terminal. FIA campus is based in the Birmann 21 building, a triple-A standard building, which has a central, privileged location with easy access. We are the 1st Business School in Brazil to have its headquarters in a commercial building.

    • 100 Top MBAs – 1st in Brazil, 2nd in Latin America, and amongst the 100 world best
    • Executive experience higher than global average – Most experienced executive class in Brazil and 4th in the world
    • Feminine representative higher than global average – Higher diversity in class in relation to global average
    • 100 TOP MBAs – Executive International MBA as one of the 100 best MBAs in the world (2005-2012) and Executive Education (2013-2016)
    • Best Education Solution – Best solution in executive education
    • Most Innovative – Most innovative school in South America
    • Most experienced – The most experienced former students in Latin America

    AMBA Accredited

    • São Paulo

      Avenida das Nações Unidas, 7.221 - Pinheiros, 05425-902, São Paulo

    FIA Business School - Profuturo