1 Leadership program found
- Management Studies
- Leadership
- Part time
1 Leadership program found
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Part time EMBA Programs in Management Studies Leadership
Inclusion of many educational institutions depicts that Beirut is the center of education and learning all over Lebanon. Worth watching architectural sites and availability of different educational institutions testifies Beirut's educational success in Lebanon.
Leadership is the ability to direct and manage other people, whether within formal or informal contexts. It requires skills such as decisiveness and communication, which may be acquired through participation in a leadership educational program.
Lebanon-officially called the Lebanese Republic. It is found in the East Mediterranean. Many people in the country have access to education which is basically structured into basic, primary and secondary as well as tertiary education.
Once you have obtained a graduate degree in business and have significant hands-on experience, the next step is an Executive MBA (EMBA). Programs combine fundamentals such as finance, accounting and marketing with leadership studies to get you into high-level executive and management positions.
Part time learning allows one to obtain part-time degrees even if one cannot attend school on a full-time basis. One can learn at his or own pace, gradually accumulating credits which count towards final qualification.