Study MBA in Armenia 2025
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460Share of utilities
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7Cinema ticket
6Pint of local beer
About Armenia
Armenia is located in southwestern Asia, with Turkey to the west and Azerbaijan to the east. Other countries that border it are Georgia and Iran. It is a landlocked country with cold winters and hot summers. It contains little forest land, but the Highland includes beautiful mountains and fast rivers. The Republic of Armenia consists of 11 provinces, and its legal system is a civil law system. National symbols include Mount Ararat, the lion and the eagle. The national colors are red, blue, and orange. As of January 1, 2015, citizens of the USA no longer require visas in order to enter Armenia.
Higher education is important in Armenia, with adult literacy rates remaining very high. Several institutions within the country offer education in various fields of business, as well as partner relations that have been established with a number of well-known institutions in other countries such as Switzerland, Scotland, Vienna, and more than 40 large Russian universities. In addition, institutions of higher education in Armenia provide a heavy focus on business, which is beneficial to students interested in business careers. Employment opportunities in the country are many, and federal assistance is available for those looking to start new businesses there.
Diploma degrees usually take 2 to 3 years to complete. Specialist degrees in Armenia usually require 5 to 6 years of study at the universities, depending on the area of study. Master degrees can also be obtained with 1 to 2 additional years of study.
Tuition and fees vary; however, there are many undergraduate and graduate scholarship programs available. Local students wishing to study business in Armenia must pass an examination. Based on their exam scores, they can either be given free admission or be required to pay tuition. Tuition can run high in some specialized departments, so the few available scholarships are in demand. Costs will vary depending on the particular school chosen and the type of degree program selected.
Application periods generally run between July 1 and October 15. There are also some co-op and internship programs available for students enrolled at schools that have such programs. Spring, fall, and winter applications for admission need to be sent in 9 to 12 months before the anticipated start date. There are great resources to help students to not only be able to afford their schooling, but also to obtain helpful experience in pursuing their education and goals.
Leading institutions in Armenia strive to achieve excellence in their degree programs and are proud of the high-caliber graduates that they send out into the business world. Students may be attracted to universities that offer degrees in the medical, law or business fields.