Why Students Can Benefit From a Flexible MBA
MBA students aren’t one-size-fits-all. When it comes to meeting the diverse needs and goals of today’s students, a flexible MBA program can make all the difference. If you are wondering whether a flexible MBA is right for you, here’s a closer look at the advantages they offer, along with one program in particular which offers students an invaluable inside edge.
- Education

1. Freedom to choose your courses -- and chart your own career path
If you already know what career trajectory you want to pursue following graduation, a custom MBA allows you to quickly zero in on exactly what interests you.
Consider the example of Shannon Decker, a former teacher who dreamed of opening her own private high school. In order to do so, she needed business knowledge -- specifically in the areas of finance and marketing. Customizing her degree offered her unparalleled freedom and a fast track to realizing her goals. “For someone like me, who is older and has the experience of working in the corporate world, I could choose what classes would apply to what I wanted to do,” Decker told U.S. News & World Report.
2. Work at your own pace and optimize your time
Conventional MBA programs follow pre-set curricula. Flexible MBAs take a different approach by letting students create their own courses of study while also setting the pace of their choice. If you’re juggling school with other personal or professional commitments, this can be a terrific way to fit everything in.
3. Graduates with specialist MBA degrees are in increasing demand
Specialized MBA programs offer students a comprehensive and in-depth business education in the field(s) of their choice. In doing so, they uniquely qualify graduates to work in their chosen fields making them especially desirable to employers.
One business school administrator told GMAC’s Graduate Management News, “The student satisfaction ratings and placement outcomes that we saw out of our specialized programs were far superior to what we found in our general management program.”
“As more companies convert to ‘just in time’ hiring, they are hiring for a particular job or need as opposed to hiring a class of students,” added another insider.
This theme was a consistent one among business schools. “We have many companies tell us that they can find MBAs easily and technology folks easily, but it is extremely difficult to find potential business leaders who also have a strong grasp of information technology,” revealed one university assistant dean for career services.
The takeaway? In offering students the opportunity to specialize, business schools that offer flexible programs may be the best pathway to career success. Why? Because while business knowledge is one thing, the ability to apply functional skills within a specific context is another.
4. They prepare graduates to make an immediate post-MBA impact
There’s a reason why so many employers are eager to hire grads of flexible MBA programs. There’s less of a learning curve and more opportunities to immediately start contributing in the workplace. One business school director said, “Overall, the recruiters we speak to seem to be looking for people who have a deep understanding of a specific industry or product because, compared to a generalist, these people can add more immediate value when they start working,”
The Custom MBA at GHU
So there are distinct advantages to doing a custom MBA -- which begs the question: what custom MBA program will best fit your needs? This is where the Global Humanistic University’s Custom MBA comes in.
Opening in November of 2019, this innovative new program (pdf) is a flexible part-time MBA program entirely online with no obligatory courses or fixed entry points. Not only can students enroll at any time of the year and study only subjects that are of specific relevance to them and their career goals, but they are also eligible to receive a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) after passing each module examination along with a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) after the successful completion of three modules and corresponding examinations. Students then have the option of completing the final three modules toward the official Master of Business Administration (MBA). And also, there are no application fees.
While the Custom MBA is new, the Global Humanistic University is already well-established. It received its official Charter from the Ministry of Education of Curacao in March of 2018 for the purpose of providing high-quality online bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral study programs in business administration, finance, and law, with a focus on international students. The Global Humanistic University is accredited by ASIC and many of its programs are accredited by AQAS. The GHU is also a member of the AACSB, CIQG, IACBE, and INQAAHE.
There’s a reason why custom MBA programs are one of the hottest business school trends. If you are looking to enhance your knowledge, sharpen your skills, increase your job prospects in the global marketplace, boost your earning potential, and become a leader of business, a customized MBA may be exactly the thing you’ve been looking for!
And the great news is that, for a limited time only, the Global Humanistic University is offering the first ten students who enroll on the Custom MBA the first course completely free of charge! Enroll now and receive the first course free. The application has no cost and courses start on the 10th of November.
Article written in association with the Global Humanistic University.

Joanna Hughes
Joanna worked in higher education administration for many years at a leading research institution before becoming a full-time freelance writer. She lives in the beautiful White Mountains region of New Hampshire with her family.
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