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1 Business Management program in Fontainebleau


  • 1-year MBA
  • France
  • Business Studies
  • Business Management
  • Fontainebleau
Fields of study
  • Business Studies (1)
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    1 Business Management program in Fontainebleau

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    1-year MBA Programs in Business Studies Business Management

    Fontainebleau is a metropolitan area in Paris, France. This is a commune that that more that 15,000 residents. Most of the students living there attend the major schools around the city of Paris.

    A program in business management emphasizes the importance of organizational structure and managerial policies in various corporate settings. Topics such as marketing, human resource management, accounting, and corporate restructuring will sometimes be covered.

    France is currently among the 20 best performing countries in terms of the economy due to their excellent results-oriented higher education learning. Most of the courses at universities are offered in the French language. France has 60 public and 100 private universities.

    Students who earn a 1-year MBA can be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve management positions in the business world. A Master of Business Administration program typically combines classwork with individual coaching for personal development.